Zanda Puče

Stories Of Our House


The house where I was born and live in - Gales Street 15 is the first post-war period (1957) multi-apartment house built in Sigulda. Several generations of different craftsmen – carpenters, tailors and weaver have lived and still – many creative people live in the house. Over the years, neighbours have stable and creative traditions.  Nowadays, they live mostly in memories of older generations and haven't been documented. People are starting to go along as well as stories, photographs and old film reels. So I had an idea to document and artistically interpret the former and existing history of the house. In the project an archive of documents and traditions will be made: visually interpreting stories in creative events related to the house and documenting various materials (memories, stories, photographs and museum archives). The photographs and video used in the exhibition are from Gales street 15 resident personal archives dating from 60's to 90's.   


My great grandmother Olga Ķirule was a tailor and her native house was called „Atmiņas” (Memories). She died when I was only three years old and, unfortunately, from the house where she lived remains only memories. The house and great grandmother returns to me with stories, things and photographs. I have an interest to bring back the feeling of the past also for the people who lived in the house, in which I live now. 
