This is a story about a trip to Siberia, home to my aunt, who stayed there after the Soviet deportations in 1941 and 1950. Her sister, brother and mother returned back to their home in Latvia. After more than 50 years, I met my close family members, who I only knew from family stories and whose faces I had seen in archaic, black and white photos. The summer in Siberia turns into a never ending celebration – my return generates an emotional experience for my newly met relatives. I meet my aunt and cousings, who welcome me as a dear guest in their homes around the villages and towns in Siberia, situated far distances from each other. My memories from stories mix with the reality of colourful life in Siberia – villages of deported ones, reconstruction of the past and retrieval of the family. The trip ends with a party dedicated to the author’s birthday, a specially ordered cake and suitcase full of presents for the relatives in Latvia.